Fixing a memory leak

March 17, 2025 | Pascal Christoph

Some metafacture-core classes (e.g. the ubiquitous FileMap (which is invoked when loading a file as a table (like a CSV) in your ETL scripts) used uncloseable resources, which would leak memory, resulting ultimately in a “OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” since at least 2013 (back then the class was called MapFile).


Affected were all usages of Metafacture which instantiate a Flux multiple times over the lifecycle of one JVM. While this is an obvious statement, we could experience the leaking of memory at the earliest since March 2021 when we changed how to start our ETL processes for lobid-resources: Back in the early days we invoked the ETL by starting a new JVM, run our workflow and terminate the JVM afterwards. Coming with the Webhook in March 2021 the JVM was not terminated after an ETL but listened further for incoming ETL triggering. In principle the JVM should have only been restarted when new code was to be deployed, but we soon discovered that restarting our Play app just before the weekly fresh and complete ETL of > 24 million documents improved the performance and averted some hanging processes or crashes.

We also have a monitoring tool installed on our servers which checks for terminated processes and restarts them automatically. This happened often after some more ETL processes were invoked (the “daily updates”). It was unclear why these crashes appeared but by assigning more RAM and (automatically) restarting the whole JVM after crashes the ETL process went stable enough.

Plotting the leak

Since 2025 we started the Rheinland-Pfälzische Bibliografie (RPB). Here, ETL processes are triggered every time a record is changed or created. This resulted very quickly in an OutOfMemoryError.

Using Intellij IDEA we can easily produce a picture which shows the ever increasing demand of memory: Screenshot of the graph showing the increasing demand of memory At the beginning (at the left) we see that the CPU (green colored) is heavily used for all classes are compiled and loaded. Then we see how the Heap Memory (blue colored) is filled and after some time there are some spikes, indicating that the Garbage Collector was able to free some unused memory. We can see how the memory consumption is ascending nonetheless. Then a long line appears, lacking all spikes. This happens when there is less and less memory which the garbage collector could release. We can see 5 peaks where the CPU heavily works - this is the garbage collector trying to find some piece of memory to free - without much avail. The app crashes shortly after that (not to be seen).

One fix, several problems solved

After fixing the memory leak the consumption of memory is normal, i.e. not ascending: Screenshot of the graph showing normal consumption of memory Every spike indicates that memory resources were freed, resulting in a stable rise and fall of CPU and memory usage. The memory leak is really fixed. 😀

Fixing the memory leak in Metafacture resolved some issues we’ve experienced:

  • lobid-resources: daily updates sometimes aborted - although this was not such a big thing because our monitor scripts could “heal” the update process automatically (by restarting the app). However, the updates now don’t take e.g. 4h (counting from triggering the update until the successful ETL) but 0.45m, which is way faster.
  • Metafacture Playground: we had some performance issues which are now solved.
  • RPB: a situation arose where we could only ever add more memory to our VMs to counteract a crash of cataloguing - always fearing that not too much documents were ETLed before the daily restart of the cataloguing app.

How to and credits

It is one thing to discover a memory leak, but another thing to determine where the source of that leak exactly is. I have to thank e.g. Chris Braithwaite for his excellent blog post concerning Java memory leaks to gain a bit more of the background of what a Java memory leak is. Very useful for me was the built-in profiler in Intellij IDEA. It not only has helped to plot the graphs (see above) to see at a glance that there indeed is a memory leak, but can also capture memory snapshots and profile the CPU usage to find the problematic classes. It would show something like this: Screenshot of the graph showing normal consumption of memory If you have found the class where the memory leak most likely originates from you can make an educated guess of the statement which causes the problem, or/and by commenting in/out the likely code, tracking down the problematic code.

Metafacture ant

A blog for the ETL toolkit Metafacture. This blog is maintained by the Metafacture community.